Terms used in these instructions
General settings – settings of the plugin. You will find it under WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Sell by Weight PRO
Product settings – settings of particular product. You will find it under Products -> All Products -> concerned product -> tab Sell by Weight PRO
1. Basic usage
General settings
First you need to set up Weight options which will be later possible to choose from. You need to go to general settings of the plugin and find setting Predefined weight options for weight selector.
These weight options are shared among all Sell by Weight products.
Predefined Weight options
The syntax of the options is following:
– first you will enter the desired weight in the shop weight unit. This means that if your shop is in kilograms, the weight should be 0.1 for 100 grams.
– if you want the visible text to be different from the entered weight you can add it after semicolon “;”
– several values are separated with vertical bar sign “|”
For 100 grams with visible part “100 grams” you need to enter: 0.1;100 grams
More options: 0.1;100 grams|0.5;0.5 kg
The options can have also custom names: 0.25;Steak|5;Big box
Product settings
First things necessary to do is to set a price of the product and it’s weight.
Plugin automatically calculates price for one weight unit (kilogram) from the settings. So if you set that the product costs 25USD and weighs 2 kilograms, it will take these settings and calculate that one kilogram costs 12.5 USD and then it applies to your Weight options. This way the example 100 grams will display price 1.25 USD.
If you omit the weight, it will be assumed that the product weighs 1 kilogram (or your default shop unit if you have something different set).
Go to Product settings and enter the parameters there.
Price setting
Weight setting – if omitted the weight will be assumed equal one unit
Now go the tab Sell by Weight PRO. There is an option Enable selling by weight, checking it will enable the functions of the plugin for this product. Afterward you can select some weight options, created in general settings.
Enable product and set desired weight options
There is also the setting called Default weight option. There you are able to select the weight option which will be preselected on the product, when customer visits the product page.
Default weight option
This is the result of the settings
2. Weight based Orders and Inventory
Warning: this feature is available only for WooCommerce 3.8.0 and newer.
Weight based Orders and Inventory works in the way that when your customer orders for example 2 pieces of pork steak 0.25 kg each, it will be added into the cart as usual. Then, when the customer finishes his order it will be added into your orders in slightly different form. The quantity column Qty will contain total weight of the selected option. This quantity will also be subtracted from the stock. So you had the stock of pork meat set to 5 it will contain now 4.5(kg). In opposite, if you don’t use Weight based Inventory, the stock would be now equal to 3.
Even if you don’t want to use the stock function, you can still benefit from this feature. The advantage here is, that as the Order items Quantity is in weight units, then by correcting it to the exact weight, the price will be calculated accordingly. That is really handy when the weight sometimes is not exact.
Example of weight based stock
To start with weight based Orders and Inventory you need to go to plug-in General settings.
There are two settings:
- Manage Orders and Inventory in weight units for SBW products – this enables the main functionality.
- Display item quantity in order items table – under Orders options – this setting displays new column in Orders, which shows the item quantity. This is useful because the Qty column reflects now total weight. So when it’s important to you, you will see the quantity and weight there. This setting wil be enabled automatically when you enable the main funcitonality.
WooCommerce Inventory settings
If you want to track the product stock, you will need to set up the Inventory also in WooCommerce. If you don’t need to use the inventory, you can skip this step.
To enable Inventory you need to go to WooCommerce->Settings->Products->Inventory. There is a setting Manage stock, enable it and if you want also change other stock settings according to your needs.
Enable stock management for entire shop
Then you need to go to Product editor of some SBW enabled product and go to the tab Inventory. There are two settings:
- Manage stock – this enables the stock for the product
- Stock quantity – here you will enter the total weight of your product in stock
If you set everything as written here you will also see here green notice saying that the stock quantity is in weight units (kg, oz, …)
Product stock settings
If you don’t want to track stock of some Sell by Weight products, just don’t enable it in Product settings.
Orders managing
Now we are getting to the backend. After the customer orders the products we can see how it looks.
First take a look what the customer cart looked like. We have here two different weight options of Pork meat and one normal product.
Example of customer Cart
And this is what the same Order looks like in the backend. The differences here are following:
- There is a column No. of Items – which reflects the number added items of each weight option
- The column Cost now contains price for one weight unit – this is because the price here in WooCommerce is multiplied by column Qty to create resulting price.
- The column Qty reflects the total weight for each weight option.
As both weight options (Steak (250 g) and 1 kg) belong to the same product (Pork meat), the stock will be reduced by 1.5 kg.
Order resulting from the purchase mentioned above
And here we can confirm the reduced weight stock directly on the product page.
Remaining stock
As I mentioned earlier – if you don’t want to use the Stock management, there is still one advantage of the new feature. And that is that the management of orders in weight units allows you to change the total weight of items, with automatic calculation of resulting price.
Let’s see the demonstration in the next picture.
Edit of the total weight resulting in new total price
Final notices:
- The column No. of Items can be turned off in General settings of the plugin. The setting responsible for its display is called Display item quantity in order items table.
- The column Total weight which is normally displayed there too, was turned off, because the column doesn’t contain anything in Orders managed by weight units. The responsible setting can be found in General settings of the plugin and its name is Display item total weight in order items table.