Variable products - price per shop Weight unit
Variable products work in the same way as simple products. The only difference is, that you can specify product weight on two different places:
- It can be entered on tab Shipping as we did in previous article Basic usage, which will be then default weight for all variations.
- Or it can be entered on individual variations – Product settings -> Variations -> one of the variants — Weight This will be then the weight of certain variant. If you have entered the weight on Shipping tab and didn’t enter on a variant, then it will inherit the weight from the Shipping tab.
If you enter the price on individual variations you can have different PPU price for each variation.
The result will be the range of PPU prices, first the lowest PPU price then the highest PPU price. This works independently on the position of the cheapest and most expensive variation.
Variation weight setting
Resulting display of variable product
If you want to control the look of Variable products, you can do so in General settings. The display of PPU price for selected variation can be controlled through setting called Variations – display recalculated price on option. If you want to display this, but don’t want to display the PPU price range, you can disable the recalculation for the product and check Force display this feature even when recalculation is off for the product.
PPU price for selected variation setting