Products with custom units (pieces, liters, ...)
This feature is really powerful, because with it allows you to create many possible scenarios for your shop. It allows you to use some of predefined units (which is also easy to translate using only tools for PO files editing like Loco translate) or even to create your own set of custom units.
With these units you will be able to show the price per for example liter of beer and at the same time to maintain the weight of it for shipping purposes intact.
Example of intended use:
Selling t-shirts in a package, but showing price for single t-shirt.
Instructions on how to do this:
- You will set the price (10USD) as in basic usage case.
- Optional – Then you will enter weight 2 kg into the usual field in Product settings -> Shipping —Weight. This will be used for shipping purposes.
- Then in Product settings -> PPU PRO — Custom unit name you will select piece
- In the next step Product settings -> PPU PRO — Custom number of units you will enter 5 (this is also possible to define for Variable products – you will find the setting on each Variation in section Price per Unit)
Now we have a product which is calculated per custom unit – Piece.
In case you need your own custom unit, take a look the end of this article to find out how to make it.
Select custom unit name from the list
Enter custom number of units
Variable products – Custom number of units
This feature works best when you have Recalculated price suffix text set to Automatic text. When it is set this way, the price suffix will automatically display the name of the unit after the recalculated price. And when you use predefined units, it will also use plural form when Multiplies of units are used. So if you’re going to display pack of 10 shirts, and you are displaying price for 1 shirt it will display /shirt, and if you display price for 2 shirts the suffix will be /2 shirts.
Recalculated price set to Automatic text
This feature also supports displaying units info in Additional information on Product detail. This feature can be turned on or off in General settings option Display modified units info on product details. It will then display the number of units in the product – supported also in Variable products.
Modified units display setting
Units display in Additional information on product detail
Resulting display of price calculated pieces
If you’re wondering how to make the product completely as the product price looks like, you’re surely missing information how to make it display the part – pack 5 pieces. This will be covered in another part of these instructions, but I will show it to you right now.
In Product settings -> PPU PRO — General price suffix text enter the text – pack 5 pieces
And that’s it, this text will be displayed after the normal price no matter if the recalculation of the product is turned on or not.
General price suffix text – displayed even if recalculation is turned off
General price suffix text – setting
Defining own custom units
When dealing with custom units, you will most probably run into the case where you will need your own custom unit. For example dozen. In Price per Unit PRO this possibility is also covered.
Instructions on how do this:
- go to General settings —Predefined custom units names – used with automatic text at the end of the string enter | (vertical bar) and after that enter the name of new custom unit. In this case dozen.
After saving the options you can go to Product settings and you will find the new unit in the field Custom unit name and you can start using it. It will not however have the capability to work in plural form.
The setting Preposition for weight unit when using automatic text is responsible for displaying some text before the actual unit name in PPU price. You can change it to something different for example per so the final PPU Price will look like this: $2 per piece
In case you need some unit which is common and you would like to have it, you can also send a suggestion about it to me and if I find it useful, it can be in some future update of the plugin.
Custom unit definition – general settings
Result visible in Product settings