
I have been working on the new version and finally it’s here. The main thing is that the plugin core was completely rewritten to comply with latest WordPress security recommendations.

The plugin also supports brand new Woocommerce 4.0 and WordPress 5.3.x

There are also two new features:

Recalculated price prefix

– New text field which allows you to add text in front of recalculated price. It’s name is “Recalculated price prefix text” and can be also changed on the product level.

Recalculated price prefix - general settings
Recalculated price prefix - general settings
Recalculated price prefix - product settings
Recalculated price prefix - product settings
Recalculated price prefix - product page
Recalculated price prefix - product page

Disable price rounding

– It is now possible to stop rounding the recalculated prices – Woocommerce normally rounds them and now you are able to simply trim them. The option name is “Disable price rounding” and can be found in general settings of the plugin only.

Price rounding - general settings
Price rounding - general settings
Price rounding - rounded price
Price rounding - rounded price
Price rounding - disabled rounding
Price rounding - disabled rounding

And that’s it. More features to come.